MOScout's Sunday6: Realtors - Adoptions - Crime - EVs - Ghost Towns and more...
1. A map of “ghost towns.” Missouri has a few.
Source: Forgotten Railways, Roads & Places via Axios.
2. A look at the most common jobs at different income levels. Medical professions dominate the top.
Source: Flowing Data.
3-4. The number of unauthorized immigrants living in the United States peaked in 2007.
Source: Pew Research.
Source: Pew Research.
5. Reminiscent of how most folks think Congress is full of bums, but like their own representative. Most Americans think there’s a serious crime problem, though not in their neighborhood.
Source: Gallup.
6. U.S. EV sales continue their steady climb.
Source: Heat Map.
7. Americans are adopting fewer kids from foreign countries.
Source: Philip N Cohen.
8. There are now more realtors than there are homes for sales.
Source: Wall Street Journal.