MOScout's Sunday6: Super Bowl - Chinese Holdings - Missing Child Care Workers - Compromise and more...
1. In an era of splintered audiences, the NFL dominates TV ratings, and the Super Bowl the very top. “Akin to a national holiday, one of the few times of year that tens of millions of Americans do the same activity at the same time.”
Source: Mohamed El-Erian.
2. $7 million for 30-sec ad today.
Source: Axios.
3. A quick look at who has and doesn’t have sports betting.
Source: Axios.
4. Still missing pre-COVID child care workers.
Source: Wall Street Journal.
5. Missouri’s #3 in China’s agricultural holdings.
Source: Wall Street Journal.
6. It takes two to make a deal, and Republican voters less likely to see compromise as acceptable.
Source: Pew Research.
7. Dog names.
Source: Washington Post.