MOSout Sunday6: Doctors Trending Democratic? - Don't Fear AI? - Quit Video Games and Save the Environment? and more...

1. It’s been 42 years since President Ronald Reagan’s inaugural address in which he declared that “government is the problem.”  The latest Gallup poll says Americans today agree.

Source: Gallup

2. Millennials and younger generations (53 members of Congress) were born after that speech.  Oh, and Boomers dominate the Senate.

Source: Pew Research.

3. Doctors trending toward the Dem party?

Source: Axios.

4. Fortnite killing the environment?

Source: USAFacts.

5. Technology doesn’t “destroy jobs.”

6. And technology helps with productivity.  Only two ways to grow the economy: more people working and/or people working more productively.  Here’s the ten-year productivity chart.

7. States and drinking… Missouri right in the middle.

Source: VinePair.


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