MOScout Sunday6: Skyrocketing Mortgage Payments - Monkey Inflation - Martha Washington - Chiefs Want New Locker Room and more...
1. The current unemployment rate is 3.4%. That’s the lowest in over 50 years (lowest in my lifetime). It’ll probably climb in the months ahead. And when that happens, Biden’s numbers with Republicans will probably take a hit. I’m a guessing a point, or so, but not more than two…
Source: Gallup.
2. With Rep. Phil Christfanelli bringing some attention to Martha Washington this week, here a reminder that she was on the “One Silver Dollar” bill.
Source: St. Louis Federal Reserve.
3. Buying a house is a lot more expensive these days.
Source: RedFin.
4. Housing prices aren’t the only thing going up. There’s also monkey inflation.
Source: Wall Street Journal.
5. The topic of “foreign ownership of farm land” is the latest symptom of a retrenchment from globalism.
Source: IMF.
6. Far right protests, by topic.
Source: The Economist.
7. Chiefs players want a better locker room! Rankings from Players Association “report cards.”
Source: NFLPA.