MOScout Sunday6: Partisan Split on EVs - Immigration to Rescue of Labor Force - Tax Day and more...

1. Gardner debacle dominates STL headlines.

Source: Post-Dispatch.

2. Immigration to the rescue to the shrinking labor force.

3. Republicans are EV adverse.

Source: Gallup.

4. I find this chart fascinating… Grocery spending versus restaurant spending.

Source: Axios.

5-6. With the approach of Tax Day…

Source: Lending Tree.

7. US divorce rate: 43%.


MOScout Daily Update: Roe Joins Team Kehoe - Plocher Makes Cold War Move Against Senate - Teen Shot in KC - Houx on Sports Betting and more...


MOScout Weekender: Wagner $$ - Hewkin in Senate 3 - Malek $$ - GOP Primary Poll - Hallway and WWTW and more....