MOScout Sunday6: Biden Re-elect Numbers - College Grads Go Dem - Abortion Polling and more...

1. States ranked by tax burden.

Source: USAFacts.

2. “Demographics and economics have long driven voting patterns in American politics. What is different now is that educational attainment has increasingly played a dominant role in voting. This has led to a political realignment, with the base shifting for both political parties. In a sharp contrast to a previous era, college educated voters are now more likely to identify as Democrats, and those without college degrees - particularly white voters, but increasingly all Americans – support Republicans.”

Source: Doug Sosnik.

3. A look inside the demographics of abortion polling.

Source: Pew Research.

4. As a public policy, parental leave hasn’t made it to Middle America – yet.

5. Biden approval at low point of his tenure.

Source: Gallup.

6. But higher than Reagan’s at this point…

7. Diversity in Missouri. 6% of Missouri citizens don’t speak English at home.

8. I imagine someday I’ll be struggling to explain the concept of business cards to my grandchildren...

Source: Reddit.


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