MOScout Sunday6: Dobbs Impact - Labor Mobility - Fed $$$ and more...

1. Some in Jefferson City express concern over the influence of federal money in Missouri.


2. “In a survey by KFF, a majority of OBGYNs in states that banned abortions in the past year said they were concerned about legal risks and that their ability to provide the necessary standard of care had worsened.”

Source: Statista.

3. Post-Dobbs, pro-choice voters are now more likely to be single-issue voters.

Source: Gallup.

4. Companies moving to workers now instead of workers moving to companies.

5. Paid family leave, by state.

Source: Axios.

6. Blessed are the Millennials, for they shall inherit trillions.

7. TikTok killed the Hardy Boys?

Source: Chartr.


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