MOScout Sunday6: MO#4 to Retire - Fewer Paid $7.25 - Gun Feelings and more...

1. Watch out Florida! Bankrate puts Missouri #4 in “best states to retire.” (Their formula might have something to do with it.  It weights affordability at 40%, and weather at 10%.)

Source: CNBC.

2. The federal minimum wage ($7.25/hour) is becoming increasingly irrelevant.  

Source: Chartr.

3. No growth in vegetarianism in US.  FYI, self-identified liberals highest sub-growth at 9%.

Source: Gallup.

4. Same gun, same house, different feelings…

Source: Pew Research.

5. Declining death rates.

6. Increasing nursing and residential care revenues.

Source: US Census.

7. August UFO sightings.


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