Six new abortion initiative petitions will be filed today by a group called the Missouri Women and Family Research Fund. It’s a new 501(c)4 organized earlier this summer.
· All versions enshrine “exceptions and immunity” clauses into Missouri’s abortion law, and three versions include language prohibiting the government from interfering with a woman’s access to an abortion in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
· Polling suggests that exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother are widely supported by Missourians – across party lines.
· Messaging will argue the current abortion law isn’t in line with voters, puts taxpayers on the hook for litigation costs, and “makes it dangerous to be a mom in Missouri.”
What It Means
This batch of IPs represents a middle ground that could pass in Missouri, as opposed to the earlier IPs which – depending on the final ballot language – will have a path between hard and impossible.
· But pro-choice groups may balk at these versions as too incremental.
First in MOScout: Holdens Backs Bell
Former Governor Bob Holden and wife Lori Hauser Holden are endorsing Wesley Bell for US Senate.
Wesley Bell exemplifies true public service. Wesley is confident – not arrogant. Wesley puts people first – not his own self-interests or self-promotion. Wesley’s compassion for justice and equality shows through his words and actions. Wesley Bell is a bridge builder – not one to burn them down. Missouri needs a US Senator that will do the right thing – not run away.
Wesley Bell is the voice for Missouri and our country that is so needed for today and all of our tomorrows.
What It Means
Bell and Lucas Kunce are battling for the Democratic nomination. Kunce began his campaign earlier and starts with a lead in fundraising and endorsements. Bell is looking for heavy weights to even the field.
Rep. Chris Lonsdale isn’t sure if he’ll run for re-election. Lonsdale apparently has felt frustrated by his freshman experience in Jefferson City, and is “debating whether I’ll even run for reelection.”
· Lonsdale won a tough primary race against Eban Hall. But he was pilloried by education reformers after came out against open enrollment last session.
Rumorville: Hudson To Announce Senate Run?
Word is that Rep. Brad Hudson will announce next week that he is challenging Sen. Karla Eslinger.
The Stone County Republicans recently informed their members… “All are invited to attend a special event on September 7th at 5:30 p.m. at New Testament Church. Rep. Brad Hudson will make a “big announcement.”
· One Republican consultant thinks it’s a tough road for Hudson… “He should wait it out. There’s no way he can beat Karla.”
· Eslinger is mentioned as a possible floor leader candidate, but she’ll have to fight off Hudson first.
Baker for LG
Washington Missourian reports that Franklin County Clerk Tim Baker plans to run for lieutenant governor. He’s a Republican. I’m not sure this has much impact on the race, but I’ve updated my 2024 spreadsheet.
· The Republican from Robertsville said he initially considered running for Congress. “After meeting with several people, they mentioned the spot of lieutenant governor,” Baker told The Missourian. “The more I thought about it, with what I do right now, I think it falls in line quite well.”
· “It’s a position where I really get to be myself,” he said. “The other thing I like about it is they get to deal with the veterans, our seniors, economic development and tourism, all of which I have great pride and experience in.” Baker clarified that he works with veterans, though he was not in the military.
Appeals Panel Announced
The Appellate Judicial Commission announces its panel of nominees to fill the vacancy on the Missouri Court of Appeals, Eastern District. The nominees are Kathleen Hamilton, Virginia Lay and Michael Wright.
· Hamilton is a litigation attorney and partner at HeplerBroom LLC in St. Louis.
· Lay is a circuit judge in the 21st Judicial Circuit (St. Louis County).
· Wright is an associate circuit judge in Warren County (in the 12th Judicial Circuit).
Medical “Bill of the Month”
KFF and NPR feature a “Bill of the Month,” an “exorbitant or baffling medical bill” from one of their readers. The latest one comes from Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis. It was resolved when BJC determined the extra bill was a clerical error.
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MOScout Daily Update: SCOOPS - New Abortion IPs Coming - Holden Backs Bell - Lonsdale Eyes Exit - Hudson's Announcement Ahead and more...
Exclusive: New Abortion IPs Coming
Six new abortion initiative petitions will be filed today by a group called the Missouri Women and Family Research Fund. It’s a new 501(c)4 organized earlier this summer.
· All versions enshrine “exceptions and immunity” clauses into Missouri’s abortion law, and three versions include language prohibiting the government from interfering with a woman’s access to an abortion in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
· Polling suggests that exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother are widely supported by Missourians – across party lines.
· Messaging will argue the current abortion law isn’t in line with voters, puts taxpayers on the hook for litigation costs, and “makes it dangerous to be a mom in Missouri.”
What It Means
This batch of IPs represents a middle ground that could pass in Missouri, as opposed to the earlier IPs which – depending on the final ballot language – will have a path between hard and impossible.
· But pro-choice groups may balk at these versions as too incremental.
First in MOScout: Holdens Backs Bell
Former Governor Bob Holden and wife Lori Hauser Holden are endorsing Wesley Bell for US Senate.
Wesley Bell exemplifies true public service. Wesley is confident – not arrogant. Wesley puts people first – not his own self-interests or self-promotion. Wesley’s compassion for justice and equality shows through his words and actions. Wesley Bell is a bridge builder – not one to burn them down. Missouri needs a US Senator that will do the right thing – not run away.
Wesley Bell is the voice for Missouri and our country that is so needed for today and all of our tomorrows.
What It Means
Bell and Lucas Kunce are battling for the Democratic nomination. Kunce began his campaign earlier and starts with a lead in fundraising and endorsements. Bell is looking for heavy weights to even the field.
Kunce rallied his supporters on Monday. Joe Holleman reports on it here.
Scooplette: Lonsdale Considers Exit
Rep. Chris Lonsdale isn’t sure if he’ll run for re-election. Lonsdale apparently has felt frustrated by his freshman experience in Jefferson City, and is “debating whether I’ll even run for reelection.”
· Lonsdale won a tough primary race against Eban Hall. But he was pilloried by education reformers after came out against open enrollment last session.
Rumorville: Hudson To Announce Senate Run?
Word is that Rep. Brad Hudson will announce next week that he is challenging Sen. Karla Eslinger.
The Stone County Republicans recently informed their members… “All are invited to attend a special event on September 7th at 5:30 p.m. at New Testament Church. Rep. Brad Hudson will make a “big announcement.”
· One Republican consultant thinks it’s a tough road for Hudson… “He should wait it out. There’s no way he can beat Karla.”
· Eslinger is mentioned as a possible floor leader candidate, but she’ll have to fight off Hudson first.
Baker for LG
Washington Missourian reports that Franklin County Clerk Tim Baker plans to run for lieutenant governor. He’s a Republican. I’m not sure this has much impact on the race, but I’ve updated my 2024 spreadsheet.
Read the article here.
· The Republican from Robertsville said he initially considered running for Congress. “After meeting with several people, they mentioned the spot of lieutenant governor,” Baker told The Missourian. “The more I thought about it, with what I do right now, I think it falls in line quite well.”
· “It’s a position where I really get to be myself,” he said. “The other thing I like about it is they get to deal with the veterans, our seniors, economic development and tourism, all of which I have great pride and experience in.” Baker clarified that he works with veterans, though he was not in the military.
Appeals Panel Announced
The Appellate Judicial Commission announces its panel of nominees to fill the vacancy on the Missouri Court of Appeals, Eastern District. The nominees are Kathleen Hamilton, Virginia Lay and Michael Wright.
· Hamilton is a litigation attorney and partner at HeplerBroom LLC in St. Louis.
· Lay is a circuit judge in the 21st Judicial Circuit (St. Louis County).
· Wright is an associate circuit judge in Warren County (in the 12th Judicial Circuit).
Medical “Bill of the Month”
KFF and NPR feature a “Bill of the Month,” an “exorbitant or baffling medical bill” from one of their readers. The latest one comes from Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis. It was resolved when BJC determined the extra bill was a clerical error.
Read the story here.
Lobbyists Registrations
Olivia Wilson added University of Missouri Healthcare.
Angie Wilson added Union Electric Co. DBA Amerenue, Ameren Services, Ameren Corp.
Happy birthdays to Jason Hancock, Lou Hamilton, and Stephen Gregali.
MOScout Daily Update: Abortion IPs Shake Up Old Debate - Reformers Point to Ed Poll - Pro-Gallick PAC and more...
MOScout Daily Update: 2024 Elections Loom Over Senate - More on Sports Betting - Judicial Commission Meets - HBS Hires and more...