MOScout Daily Update: Abortion IPs Shake Up Old Debate - Reformers Point to Ed Poll - Pro-Gallick PAC and more...

Statewide Officials Tour SEMO

Great photo on Twitter of four statewide officials touring southwest Missouri with Congressman Jason Smith.  Two observations…

·       It speaks volumes to Smith’s newfound status is one of the most powerful people in Congress and his widespread respect within the Missouri Republican Party.

·       It’s pretty bad when the Indian-American immigrant / political newbie understands that you wear jeans in southeast Missouri on an AG tour, but Jay Ashcroft does not.


1 Big Thing: New Abortion IPs Shake Up Fault Lines

The initiative petitions filed yesterday to weaken Missouri’s total ban abortion law may shake up what has become an entrenched issue for decades.  While the two main abortion advocacy groups, Pro-Life Missouri and Planned Parenthood, are immovable in their polar positions, the IPs could generate a groundswell in the middle.

·       The leader of the effort, Jamie Corley, is a Republican, but the Missouri Independent noted that the lawyer, Chuck Hatfield, is a long-time Democrat.

·       The “exceptions” language is too permissive for MRL, but has become the default stance now for a number of pro-life Republicans: Donald Trump, Josh Hawley, Eric Schmitt, and Mike Kehoe.

·       The 12-week language, while too restrictive for Planned Parenthood, conforms to the Roe framework that most Democrats under 55 grew up with and are comfortable with.

·       Corley’s filing was picked up by AP and went national.  Likely the press generated new backers and fundraising leads to support continuing the IP process.


Follow-Up on Baker

One reader handicaps the announcement of Tim Baker running for lieutenant governor…  Baker has run for Franklin County Commissioner three times against Tim Brinker, and has lost three consecutive times.  He walked into the clerk job when no one else wanted it.  If he can't win an executive position in Franklin County, he's not going to get more than 2-3% statewide. Some folks have no idea the time, energy, and most importantly money that goes into a statewide race.


Reformers Point to Poll

The recent Missouri Independent article on a SLU poll has been making the rounds among legislators.  It showed increasing dissatisfaction with public schools.  Education reformers are pointing the results as proof that Missourians are hungry for more choices.  From the article…

·       A majority of respondents — 56% — rated their local schools as only fair or poor, and 71% said that about public schools generally in the state… More of the voters surveyed also said that charter schools — small public schools operated independently of the local distinct — should be allowed in their district, and 55% said they should be allowed statewide.

·       The only subgroup where opposition to charter schools equals or exceeds support either for local districts or statewide is among Democrats when asked about local charter schools. Even then, the respondents were split, with 33% supporting local charter schools, 33% opposed and 34% unsure.

·       Mark Jones, spokesman for the Missouri National Education Association, said he questions the SLU You/Gov results for local school ratings. NEA polling shows better results for local schools, he said, and elections indicate people have confidence in their districts.


How Traditional Events Start

Last week was the “2nd Annual” Boil at Aaron Baker’s barn in Atlanta Missouri for US Senator Eric Schmitt.

Senate Floor Leader Cindy O’Laughlin was the emcee of the event.  And plenty of rural legislators all showed up including Sen. Rusty Black and Reps. Danny Busick, Mitch Boggs, Kurtis Gregory, Ed Lewis, Greg Sharpe, and Tim Taylor.  As well as a few Jeff City denizens making the trip.


Pro-Gallick PAC Formed

A Good Steward PAC was formed.  It’s in support of Rep. Sherri GallickSee the paperwork here.



Happy birthdays to Chris Koster, Chris Carter Sr., and Brian McCallister.


MOScout Schedule

Long weekend ahead.  I’ll be off for the Labor Day weekend.


MOScout Daily Update: Another Brattin Challenger? - Delta Days - Pro-Dinkins PAC and more...


MOScout Daily Update: SCOOPS - New Abortion IPs Coming - Holden Backs Bell - Lonsdale Eyes Exit - Hudson's Announcement Ahead and more...