MOScout Daily Update: SCOOP: Wasinger Enters 2024 Scrum - Webber Protests MEC Event - $300K into Pro-Choice IP - Jan Revenues and more…

SCOOP: Wasinger Enters 2024 Scrum

Later today, David Wasinger will file paperwork with the Missouri Ethics Commission forming a candidate committee saying that he will run for a “statewide office” in 2024. 

The best guess is that he’ll enter the Republican primary for lieutenant governor.


Wasinger ran for auditor in 2018, placing second in a four-way Republican primary.  He grabbed 26.8% of the vote, losing to Saundra McDowell’s 32.5%.

In that race, Wasinger started his campaign with a $500,000 check.  We’ll see if he makes a similar commitment when he launches this campaign.  A big check like that in the LG’s race could put him on par, or even in the lead, financially – assuming that Bob Onder pivots, as expected, from LG to the 3-CD race.


More on Wasinger…

·       See the bio on his law firm’s page here.  In addition to being a lawyer, he’s a certified public accountant.

·       Wasinger previously was on Mizzou’s Board of Curators (a Matt Blunt appointee).

·       His wife, Colleen Wasinger, previously served on the St. Louis County Council.


Look for an official campaign kick-off later this month.



Solid January Revenues

January’s tax receipts grew 6.3% compared to January 2023.  That solid growth puts state revenues nearly back to even for this fiscal year. 

But… I would reiterate what I’ve said previously: Flat = Down.  Inflation, even at its less noxious 3%, means that the prices the state must pay for services are generally higher than they were a year ago, while the amount of money the state has to pay for them remains unchanged.

·       Still, these numbers put revenues right on target to hit the consensus revenue number, so it’s right in line with budgeteers’ expectations.


Webber Protests MEC Event

Sen. Mary Elizabeth Coleman’s campaign event for CD-3 last night in southwest Columbia reportedly drew fantastic turnout from supporters.  But… it also drew future Sen. Stephen Webber with a group of protestors

Another $300K into the Pro-Choice IP

For all the talk of out-of-state money being poured into initiative petitions, the large contributions being recorded by the pro-reproductive rights IP are consistently being made up of Missourians.  The latest batch (see below) shows over $300,000 coming into Missourians for Constitutional Freedom’s coffers. 


Unsicker Plans to Run for Gov as Dem

Rep. Sarah Unsicker writes on her website that she plans to run as a Democrat.  See the blog post here.

I won’t be surprised if there’s an effort by Dems – who kicked her out of the House Dem Caucus – to prevent her from aligning with the party.

·       Filing opens February 27.


Davis Joins Speaker’s Office

Press release: Missouri House Speaker Dean Plocher is pleased to announce the latest addition to the Speaker's Office, as Daris Davis joins the team as Legislative Coordinator.  A native of Jefferson City, Missouri, Daris most recently served as a chief of staff in the Missouri Senate, where she contributed significantly to the decision-making process of the legislative body.  With a rich background in both public service and private sector expertise, Daris brings a unique perspective to her new role. Prior to her venture into state government, she spent over 15 years honing her skills in the private dental practice sector, fostering a strong work ethic and a profound understanding of patient care.  She obtained her real estate license and joined Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Vision Real Estate in Columbia, Missouri, as an agent…


eMailbag on Smith Endorsements

Asking if [Travis] Smith is ready for prime time because a small newspaper messed up a story is pretty petty... Smith isn't directly quoted about the endorsements in the story; that is the paper's words.  I'm told the paper called Smith to apologize for THEIR mistake…


$5K+ Contributions

Missourians for Constitutional Freedom - $100,000 from Scott Stern.

Missourians for Constitutional Freedom - $100,000 from Penni Alper.

Missourians for Constitutional Freedom - $75,000 from Lamar Legacy LP (Atlanta, GA).

Missourians for Constitutional Freedom - $25,000 from Gary Burger Jr.

Missourians for Constitutional Freedom - $15,000 from Katie Feuerbacher.

Committee for Liberty (pro-Ashcroft) - $10,000 from Evergreen Investments, LLC.

DougPac (pro-Beck) - $10,036 from 36 Political Fund – State.

Association of MO Electric Cooperatives (AMEC PAC) - $10,000 from KAMO Power (Vinta, OK).

John Best for State Representative - $50,000 from John Best.

McDonough for Judge - $50,000 from William Christopher McDonough.

Parents for Mohammadkhani - $7,500 from Jared Outdoor, LLC.

Citizens To Elect Thomas Forkum For Sheriff - $10,000 from Autry Morlan.


Lobbyist Registrations

Aaron Baker added Motion Picture Association of America, and American Federation For Children.                              

Heath Clarkston and Doug Nelson added National Council on Compensation Insurance.

Ryan DeBoef added Missouri Coin Operators Association.

Alexis Nester added PDE Action.

Scott Swain added Dish Network LLC.



Happy birthdays Sen. Elaine Gannon, Judy Moriarty, Jim Foley, Otto Fajen, David Gregory, Steve Hodges, and Diane Franklin.


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