MOScout Sunday6: Final Week of Session Grab Bag.
Just a hodgepodge today as I’m cleaning out my folder…
1. Free markets and free speech are good for life expectancy.
Source: OurWorldInData.
2. USA lawyer-heavy in lawmaking profession?
Source: Adam Bonita.
3. IRS and Department of Ed underwater in fav/unfav.
Source: Visual Capitalist.
4. Younger Republicans aren’t xenophobic.
Source: Axios.
5 – 6. More pickups, less convertibles.
Source: Reddit.
Source: Hubspot.
7. More pickups = less teen sex?
Source: Philip Cohen.
8. Which rep will file “Stand Your Lane” legislation first?
Source: The Trace.
9. Hospitality employment finally recovers to pre-COVID high.
Source: Deutsche Bank via Daily Shot.
10. Organ donors, living vs deceased.
11. Jeans trends.
Chartr via Sherwood.
12. Scooby never visited Missouri
Source: Scooby-Doo History.