MOScout Daily Update: Rex Sends $1M to Kehoe - Open Borders Bob Vs Shanghai Schaefer - Dexter Farmers Sue Tyson - Women for Joe and more…

Quick Friday update…


Onder and Schaefer Trade Blows

In CD-3, Kurt Schaefer is up with a new ad that tags primary rival Bob Onder with the moniker “Open Borders Bob.”  See it here.  The tagline: “Open Borders Bob Onder.  No papers? No problem.”

Meanwhile, an Onder mailer punches Schaefer by calling him “Shanghai Schaefer.”  See it here. “Shanghai Schaefer is selling Missouri out to China.”

·       Think this race is nasty now?  We’ve got seven more weeks.  It’s going to be a mudfest by the end.


Onder landed the exclusive Missouri Right to Life endorsement.  No big surprise here.


1 Big Thing: Sinquefield Sends Kehoe $1M

Retired businessman Rex Sinquefield sent $1 million to American Dream PAC, the political action committee supporting Mike Kehoe’s gubernatorial campaign.

This huge check doubles Kehoe’s haul for this quarter.  Here’s the $5K+ contribution checks that have come in this quarter for this primary…

·       Kehoe: $1,970,000

·       Ashcroft: $150,000

·       Eigel: $10,000


Trump-Roe Grudge Remains

Punchbowl’s Jake Sherman reports on Twitter that Donald Trump poked GOP consultant Jeff Roe again, calling him “a surgeon on candidates’ wallets.”

·       The grudge remains.


Dexter Farmers File Suit

There’s an interesting populist issue stirring in southeast Missouri which could impact the attorney general’s race.

Last week, chicken farmers in the Bootheel filed a class action lawsuit against Tyson Foods for closing its chicken processing plant in Dexter and selling it to a non-competitor.

The suit (see it here) claims that Tyson’s sale to a non-competitor will economically decimate the Dexter community and saddle farm families with worthless chicken farms built with borrowed money.

Before the sale, Attorney General Andrew Bailey publicly fired off a letter warning Tyson to use its best efforts to sell the plant to a competing chicken processor. Anything less, he wrote, would violate Missouri antitrust laws.  See the letter here. Still, Tyson sold to a non-competitor. 

·       Will Bailey go after Tyson?  Or is there an opening for Will Scharf here?


Women for Joe

In Senate 15, Joe Pereles is getting Dems excited.  A recent “Women for Joe event” that held at the home of former Sen. Jill Schupp had nearly 100 attendees.

Tipster: Some of the donors included Joyce Aboussie, Susan Block, Amy Gunn, Lynn Ann Vogel, Sarah Wood Martin, Maxine Clark, Margaret Donnelly, Dana Sandweiss, Rabbi Susan Talve, and M'Evie Mead.

·       Elected officials in attendance included Sen. Tracy McCreery, Minority Leader Crystal Quade, Reps. LaDonna Appelbaum, and Deb Lavender, and former Rep. Margo McNeil.


Lobbyists Registrations

Heidi Sickler added Heidi Sickler.

Catalyst added Junior Achievement of Middle America, Inc.

Alex Eaton added Northeast Missouri Health Council, and Satoshi Action Fund.

Nexus Group deleted BRINC Drones Inc.


$5K+ Contributions

American Dream PAC (pro-Kehoe) - $750,000 from Rex Sinquefield.

American Dream PAC - $250,000 from Rex Sinquefield.

Missouri Alliance PAC (pro-Patterson) - $25,000 from Heavy Constructors Assoc.

Missouri Alliance PAC - $7,500 from Northland Strong PAC.

Missouri Alliance PAC - $10,000 from Clarkson Construction CO.

Missouri Matters PAC (pro- Buchheit-Courtway) - $15,000 from Missouri and Kansas Laborers' PAC.

Missouri Matters PAC - $12,600 from L.I.U.N.A. Local 110 PAC.

Independence PAC (pro-McMullen) - $10,000 from Quality Schools Coalition.

Conservatives for Accountability PAC (pro-Bowlin) - $5,001 from Greenberg Development Company.

Friends of SJSD - $10,000 from Mosaic Health System.

Friends of SJSD - $10,000 from Herzog Contracting Corp.

Missouri Cattlemens Association PAC - $10,000 from Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council.

Great Outdoors PAC - $6,000 from Red Dart Ventures LLC.



Happy birthday to Rep. Dirk Deaton.


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MOScout Daily Update: DESE Gives WWT Bad Grade - Lewis Gets PP Nod - Rex Gives $250K to Bailey - Turnin’ Pages and more…