MOScout Daily Update: $750K for Bailey - Dark Money for Kehoe - Ads from Scharf, Hamra, Quade - Pillow Guy for Hoskins - Big Cody Fundy and more…

Bailey PAC Adds $750K

Two big donors shoveled $750,000 into the pro-Andrew Bailey political action committee, Life and Liberty PAC.  The Ketchmark law firm sent $500,000 and Rex Sinquefield added $250,000.

·       It feels like a game of poker and the big funders on both sides of the attorney general primary are raising and matching each other’s bets.  I’d guess we have a few more rounds to go in these final four weeks.


Dark Money for Kehoe

Among the recent checks to hit the pro-Mike Kehoe America Dream PAC, was one for $150,000 from Conservative Leadership for Missouri.  That’s a 501c4 non-profit that doesn’t have to disclose its donors.  The board consist of pro-Kehoe Republican consultants…


Ad Watch

·       Will Scharf (GOP AG): Wrecked. Joe Biden and his corrupt allies are wrecking our legal system, doing everything they can to stop President Trump and the MAGA agenda.  It’s time for a Missouri attorney general who will return fire…  As Trump’s attorney and as a former federal prosecutor I fought Joe Biden and locked up hardened criminals.  Now I’m ready to fight for Missouri…

·       Mike Hamra (Dem Gov): Won’t DoI’ve got a long list of things I’ll do as your next Governor… But here’s something I won’t do. I won't take away your rights your freedoms and I won't back down to extremist politicians in Jeff City.  They banned abortion in our state. I’ll fight to restore that right. Now they're coming after birth control. I’ll stop them...

·       Crystal Quade (Dem Gov) Odds. When you come from nothing, you fight the odds your whole life. Growing up in rural Missouri my mom waited tables, often working extra shifts to get by.  I was the very first in my family to graduate – from high school.  I've committed myself to helping families just like mine… I’ll make sure parents working extra shifts today have children who can beat the odds tomorrow…


Pillow Guy Endorses Hoskins

Press release: Republican Denny Hoskins announced that he has received an endorsement from Mike Lindell, American businessman and election integrity advocate.  “Missouri voters need a Secretary of State who will stand up and fight when our elections are on the line, and I truly believe that Denny Hoskins is the best candidate for the job.  He will stand firm to eliminate fraud and stop any threat – either foreign or domestic – from meddling in elections,” said Mike Lindell.


Smith Fundraiser

Tomorrow night some of MO GOP’s biggest names will be gathered for a fundraiser for Rep. Cody Smith.

·       Smith is out-gunned on the airwaves by incumbent Vivek Malek.  Still some politicos think he will ultimately win the race – especially if he has the resources and the willingness to hit Malek on his work as an immigration lawyer.  We’ll see…


New PACs

·       The Missouri Conservatives Fund was formed.  It’s a PAC to support Republican Jamie Corley running for secretary of state.  See the filing here.

·       RED PAC was formed.  It’s a Missouri committee to handle funds from the federal committee, Rural Economic Development PAC.  See the filing here.  There aren’t any Missouri candidates listed (yet) on their website.

·       AFC Victory PAC was formed.  This is the Missouri committee for the federal American Federation for ChildrenSee the filing here.


Lobbyists Registrations

Chris Baggett added Takeda Pharmaceuticals America, Inc.

Brent Hemphill deleted Missouri Soybean Association.


$5K+ Contributions

Liberty and Justice PAC (pro-Bailey) - $500,000 from Ketchmark & McCreight, P.C.

Liberty and Justice PAC - $250,000 from Rex and Jeanne Sinquefield.

American Dream PAC (pro-Kehoe) - $150,000 from Conservative Leadership for Missouri.

American Dream PAC - $25,000 from Gaylon Lawrence (Nashville, TN).

Missouri Values PAC (pro-Schwadron) - $50,000 from Fab Tech Wastewater Solutions llc.

Missouri Values PAC - $25,000 from Fab Tech Wastewater Solutions llc.

Missouri Leadership PAC (pro-Riley) - $15,000 from Rex Sinquefield.

MO Republican Party - $27,400 from Rex Sinquefield.

MO Republican Party - $27,400 from Jeanne Sinquefield.

Old McDonald PAC (pro-Deaton) - $15,000 from Rex Sinquefield.

Growth and Opportunity PAC - $25,200 from Rex Sinquefield.

UAW Region 4 Midwest States PAC (MO) - $6,000 from Midwest State Cap Exchange (Ottawa, IL).

Missouri First - $25,000 from Gateway Studios LLC.

Platte County 4 Kids - $10,000 from Missouri Organization to Counter Sexual Assault.



Happy birthdays to Russ Carnahan, Cole McNary, and Eli Yokley.


MOScout Daily Update: Ads from Onder, Dinkins and Bush - Hawley on Tyson Suit - PD on Parson’s Middle Finger - Schnelting PAC 3Q and more…


MOScout Daily Update: Trump Endorses Onder - Porter Drops Out - Ashcroft Ad - Scharf Exaggerates ? - RightPath Sits Out Primary? and more…