MOScout Daily Update: What Trump Assassination Attempt Means for MO Politics - Rex in for $1M to Bailey - Bailey Polling Memo - Arthur to Labor Board and more…

Trump Assassination Attempt

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump on Saturday does not seem to have altered, in any fundamental way, the political landscape in Missouri.  Talking with folks, the two immediate takeaways…

·       Net positive for Republicans as the traumatic episode energizes them, and diminishes focus on Trump’s character flaws.

·       Assuming Trump gets a polling bounce in favorabilities, that helps Trump-endorsed Bob Onder, and “Trump’s attorney” Will Scharf.

·       Zero talk of this near-miss catastrophe sparking any interest in gun control legislation.


Republican Convention Starts Today

·       Grassrooters Win Bid - The Missouri Independent reports on the twisty-turny saga of who will represent Missouri Republicans at the convention.  Read it here“The final decision came when the 95-member Credentials Committee took time to listen to the evidence amassed by backers of the Truly Grassroots for Trump slate, said Coby Cullins, a member who prepared the appeal heard Friday… Cullins amassed affidavits from state convention delegates, obtained a video recording of the 12-hour meeting and argued that the party apparatus led by chairman Nick Myers is being rewarded for a problem it created.”

·       Schmitt to Speak – Among those listed as speakers at this week’s convention is Senator Eric Schmitt.


AG: Team Bailey Cheers Poll

Making the rounds from Team Bailey is a polling memo from co/efficient.  It was conducted from July 10 and 11, with a margin of error of +/-3.25%.  See the memo here.


·       Andrew Bailey… 34%

·       Will Scharf … 13%

·       Undecided - 53%


With another $250,000 contribution hitting the pro-Bailey PAC (see below), Rex Sinquefield has now donated $1 million to the Andrew Bailey campaign. 


LG: Hough Nabs SEMO Reps

Last week, Sen. Lincoln Hough held a well-attended fundraiser in Cape Girardeau.  One MOScouter remarked that it’s a strong showing for Hough in southeast Missouri where the assumption would be that his LG rival Sen. Holly Rehder would have the support of those state representatives.


Senate 23: Mrs. Schnelting Defends Hubs, Attacks Opponent

It’s an interesting tactic.  I’m not sure about its effectiveness, but Team Schnelting produced a mailer from Rep. Adam Schnelting’s wife, ChristineSee it here.


Senate 27: Dinkins Camp on Burger Ad

Rep. Chris Dinkins’ team reacts the first commercial from Rep. Jamie Burger, saying that Burger was absent from the vote to send the National Guard to the border for which his ad takes credit – and they promise that “voters will know that by the end of the campaign.”


Arthur to Labor Board

Governor Mike Parson appointed Sen. Lauren Arthur to the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission.

Other appointments…

·       Rodney Campbell Jr. was reappointed to the Labor and Industrial Relations Commission.

·       Brian Hammons was appointed to the Coordinating Board for Higher Education.

·       Kent Oberkrom was appointed to the Board of Probation and Parole.

·       Mike O'Connell was reappointed to the Missouri Technology Corporation.

·       Jim Martin was appointed to the Missouri Ethics Commission.

·       John McGurk was appointed to the Kansas City Board of Election Commissioners.

·       William "Clay" Goddard was appointed to the State Board of Health and Senior Services.

·       Sean Cornelius was appointed, and Alfred Brandt was reappointed, to the State Milk Board.

·       Jana Frye was appointed to the State Committee for Social Workers.

·       Denise Williams was appointed to the Missouri State Board of Nursing.


Brinkman Fundy

Four Republican state representatives will have a fundraiser tonight hosted by Republican uber-donor Bob Brinkmann.  Three of the four are in clearly safe Republican district (Hruza’s could be a swing district), and three of the four don’t even have primary opponents (Sparks is facing opposition).


New Committees

TBC PAC was formed.  It’s in support of David Dolan, a retired Democratic judge running in the Republican primary in House 148 (Jamie Burger district).  See the filing here.


Lobbyists Registrations

Susan Beth Griffith deleted Certified Alternative Medicine Providers LLC, and Opus Farms.


$5K+ Contributions

Liberty and Justice PAC (pro-Bailey) - $250,000 from Rex and Jeanne Sinquefield.

Tony PAC - $10,000 from Mo Law Enforcement for Good Government PAC.

Tony PAC - $10,000 from Penn Entertainment Inc (Wyomissing, PA).

Missouri Senate Campaign Committee - $10,000 from Health PAC.

Show Me Growth PA - $7,500 from Alliance For Progress LLC.



Happy birthdays to Adriane Crouse and Dionne Flowers Baker.


MOScout Daily Update: July Fundraising Numbers Rundown - Wasinger Adds Another Million - MOChamber Leadership Change and more…


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