MOScout Daily Update: What Harris Means for MO - Eigel PAC Gets $400K - Cody Ad Jokes About Baldness - O’Fallon Craziness - Kehoe Bus-gate and more…

What Dem Ticket Turnover Means

After another remarkable 24 hours in national politics, it appears we have a new Democratic presidential nominee.  And yet, its impact on Missouri politics, while net positive for Dems, is likely relatively insignificant.

·       In my texts with folks, the change seems to have energized Dems

·       There could be a modest bump to women – already expected to overperform in Democratic primaries – as Kamala Harris’ ascension to the top of the ticket solidifies the narrative that’s been running since the Dobbs decision: that women will be out in force this cycle.


Eigel PAC Lands $400K Check

BILL PAC, the pro-Bill Eigel political action committee, landed a huge check over the weekend, $400,000 from Per Aspera Policy Inc. 

·       How big is this? BILL PAC showed only $242,693 cash on-hand at the end of June.  So this is a very meaningful reloading for the final two weeks.

·       Who is Per Aspera Policy Inc? Who knows!  It’s Virginia-based 501c4 formed to “promote and advance policies for a stronger America.”  Luke Thompson is listed as the president of the organization.  He’s the general consultant for BILL PAC (listed Ceberus Strategy on his filings).  Open Secrets says that the group has tied to tech entrepreneur Peter Thiel.


Ad Watch: Smith Uses Humor To Break Through

Rep. Cody Smith released his first TV ad.  Out-gunned by Vivek Malek by millions, Smith’s team wisely crafted a commercial to cut through the clutter and be remembers.  They use self-depreciating humor about Smith’s bald head, before reciting the litany of conservative promises.  I think it’s very effective.

See it here.

Washington, Reagan, Trump.  Memorable names.  Great hair. I’m Cody Smith I’m not so lucky. But it didn’t stop me from building a business cutting taxes or fighting illegal immigration.  I’m a former banker and a bold conservative. As your state treasurer I’ll protect taxpayers and make sure woke companies and Chinese Bankers don’t get a dime of our money. Cody Smith, a bald, I mean bold, conservative for treasurer.


Ad Watch: Rehder’s “Always Packing”

Sen. Holly Rehder’s LG ad is a little more conventional.  She’s carrying a gun and talking about the “radical left.”  It’s “cut-through” moment comes when a piece of profanity is bleeped out.  See the ad here.

These days the radical left’s open-borders, gun-grabbing, China-appeasing, transgender-bull[bleep] is everywhere you look.  I'm conservative Holly Raider when illegals try to hurt our families, China tries to take our land and trans radicals think it's okay to mutilate kids, I’ll do whatever it takes.  Missouri deserves a lieutenant governor who will fight back. I’m always packing and when I take aim I don’t miss. [Shows “Liberal Agenda target] Told ya.


O’Fallon Politics Gets Weird

Post-Dispatch reports that the “already contentious race to replace state Rep. Justin Hicks has gotten even nastier. Hicks’ mother-in-law is facing felony and misdemeanor criminal charges for falsely accusing candidate Max Calfo, a political rival of Hicks and a substitute teacher in the Fort Zumwalt and Wentzville school districts, of sexually assaulting her daughter in class while teaching at Liberty High School. Her daughter does not attend the high school and was not one of Calfo’s students, police said.”

·       O’Fallon police say that Elizabeth Sparks, 57, of O’Fallon, called the Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline in April to make the claim, which triggered a preliminary investigation within the school.

·       According to police, the phone number and voice recording left on the hotline belonged to Sparks, who is also a co-host of a conservative political podcast and owns her own media company. She previously worked for 26 years in early childhood education. More recently, she worked for a conservative talk radio station, KTLK-FM, known as “The Patriot,” according to her LinkedIn page.

·       Police say Sparks confessed to concocting the scheme to trigger an investigation against Calfo. Specifically, police say she lied about her daughter being victimized and lied about her even being a student at Liberty High School. She even made up the name of the English class where the alleged assault reportedly took place.


Kehoe Bus-Gate

Missouri Independent reports on a bad visual for the Kehoe campaign: that his campaign bus is owned by a lobbyist representing a Chinese pork producer.

·       In his campaign for governor, Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe has promised Republican voters he will stop China “from buying up our farmland.” 

·       He’s doing so while traveling the state in a bus owned by Jewell Patek, a former legislator who is the only Missouri lobbyist employed by the Chinese business that owns a significant chunk of agricultural land in the state…

·       Using a bus owned by Smithfield’s lobbyist – and obscuring that fact by calling it a donation from Kehoe – drew fire from Eigel and Ashcroft’s campaigns, who have both worked to portray him as too close to interest groups…


Keeping Count

With new large contributions over the past few days, here’s an update on a few tallies…

Rex Sinquefield has now given Attorney General Andrew Bailey’s PAC $1.25 million.

And here’s an updated self-funding leaderboard…

·       David Wasinger (GOP, LG) – $2.6 million

·       Mike Hamra (Dem, Gov) – $1.6 million.

·       Vivek Malek (GOP, Treas) – $1.35 million.

·       Will Scharf (GOP, SOS) – $1 million.

·       Lori Rook (GOP, Treas) – $500,000.


Burly For Wasinger

Congressman Eric Burlison posted a video on Facebook endorsing David Wasinger for lieutenant governor. See it here“If you’re looking for the Trump candidate in this race, there’s no contest. David Wasinger is the America First candidate that we need for lieutenant governor.”


Lobbyists Registrations

Jonathan Medeiros added Cepheid.

Connor Stangler deleted Children's Mercy Hospitals & Clinics.


$5K+ Contributions

BILL PAC (pro-Eigel) - $400,000 from Per Aspera Policy Inc (Alexandria, VA).

BILL PAC - $20,000 from Cordell Law.

BILL PAC - $10,000 from Tyler Raasch.

BILL PAC - $5,165 from Dale Natoli.

Committee for Liberty (pro-Ashcroft) - $5,165 from William Jones (Dallas, TX).

Liberty and Justice PAC (pro-Bailey) - $250,000 from Rex and Jeanne Sinquefield.

Show Me Growth PAC (pro-David Gregory) - $7,000 from FM Roofing & Construction Inc.

Make Liberty Win Missouri - $170,000 from Make Liberty Win (Federal) (Alexandria, VA).

Missouri Voter Project - State PAC - $10,000 from Nena Needleman.

Missouri Voter Project - State PAC - $15,000 from SEUI HealthCare Missouri PAC.

MSCEW PAC Federal Cmte - $12,500 from IBEW PAC Voluntary Committee (Washington, DC).

Quad County Emergency Services PAC - $50,000 from Wentsville Local 2665.

Adair County Republican Central Committee - $7,000 from Adair County Republican Club.



Happy birthdays to Sen. Rick Brattin, and Eileen McGeoghegan.


MOScout Daily Update: Talk on GOP Gov Race - Will Harris Help MO Dems? - Ads from Eigel, Malek and Corley - Bailey Talks to Trump and more…


MOScout Sunday6: Abortion - Immigration - Mick Jagger and more…