MOScout Weekender - Sports Betting $$$ - Kehoe Re-loads PAC - Long-Shot Dems - Who Won the Week and more…

Money Watch

Draft King plopped down a huge $3+ million check to the sports betting campaign committee, Winning for Missouri Education.  We’ve seen their top competitor, Fan Duel, contribute in the past as well.  Fan Duel had given $1.75 million previously to the signature collection phase of the campaign, so we’ll see if they step up with another big check here as well.

What It Means: Serious money with a top-shelf campaign team, and no organized resistance bodes well for passage.


Team Kehoe is revving back up the fundraising machine with two large checks landing in his PAC.  There’s $100,000 from David Steward and $50,000 from August Busch III.  Interesting to note that Steward – a key Mike Parson ally – sat out the gubernatorial primary.  And Busch gave modestly to both Mike Kehoe and Jay Ashcroft

What It Means: Kehoe is focused on general election more intently than the political class (and the hallway) who see Kehoe as a shoo-in.  Kehoe isn’t taking anything for granted.  He plans to raise serious money for the general election. “He’ll be back asking for $2,825 general election money from all those primary donors.”


Remington/MOScout Poll

MOScout polling will return after Labor Day.


MOScout’s Hallway Index: Long-shot Dems

I asked lobbyists, “Which statewide Democrat has the best chance of winning? 26 replies…


1. Lucas Kunce… 26.9%

2. Crystal Quade… 0%

3. Richard Brown… 3.8%

4. Barbara Phifer… 11.5%

5. Mark Osmack… 0%

6. Elad Gross… 0%

7. No Democrat has even a long-shot chance… 57.7%

Sample of Comments

·       [Kunce] I don’t think this is real. Hawley probably wins by 10. However, based on perceptions of Hawley and abortion being on the ballot I guess this race could get competitive.

·       Kunce only because he’s the only one that will have a legit campaign. I think Kunce is a great candidate which is why he raises money and puts together a compelling campaign but he has no realistic chance of beating Hawley.

·       [No Dem has any chance] Anyone who selects a different option should be suspended from having their feedback in MOScout for a minimum of 1 year.

·       [Phifer] If she had money this race could get very tight.

·       None are great, but Kunce is running a Kander-like campaign so far. Could be Phifer if outside groups come in and try to make a big deal about Denny and hand-counting.

·       [Brown] Will Wasinger spend more of his own money? Sounds likely that he won’t… He ran against the swamp (otherwise known as representative Gov’t) so it’s hard to see him bring anyone together to support his campaign.

·       Kunce will perform the best, but none of them can win.

·       [No Dem has any chance] While moderates had a few Ws last week, it's still Missouri.

·       [No Dem has any chance] Sometimes people feel the need to vote democrat for the alt Gov so there is balance after voting for Repub gov…..but I don’t see that as a realistic path to success.


Who Won the Week?

Andy Blunt –After quarterbacking Mike Kehoe’ underdog gubernatorial campaign, Blunt is poised to have unparalleled access to the second floor.

Lucas Kunce – “The Great State Fair Stare-Down” with Josh Hawley captured all the headlines and produced a nice front-page picture, garnering Kunce free media in his upset bid.

Crystal Quade – The minority leader’s longshot gubernatorial campaign was depending on the abortion question being on the ballot to energize her base and make Republicans pols squirm.  That happened this week. 

Jesus Osete – Huge fundraiser shows Osete’s networking muscle as well Republicans’ desire to hold judicial seats.

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$5K+ Contributions

Winning for Missouri Education (sports betting IP) - $3,525,000 from DK Crown Holdings Inc (Boston, MA).

American Dream PAC (pro-Kehoe) - $100,000 from David Steward.

American Dream PAC - $50,000 from August Busch III.

Missouri Democratic State Committee - $25,000 from MO Drive Fund.



Happy birthday to David Berry.

Sunday: Pat Thomas.


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