MOScout Daily Update: Omnibus Stadium Bill? - Education Next Session? - Term Limits and Senate Floor Race - Tucker on Schmitt and more…

Omnibus Stadium Bill Coming?

Well, it looks like everyone is going to try to jump on the Chiefs’ Subsidies Train. 

Kansas passed a package of incentives to lure the Chiefs across the state line.  And so, the expectation is that Missouri will respond.

·       Of course, it makes sense that the Royals would be part of the deal.

·       And then a week or so ago, the St. Louis Cardinals cleared their throat, and mentioned that they could use some money to touch up their stadium as well.

·       Now comes the Dome which used to house the Rams with a draft report that they need $150 million “in repairs and upgrades.

What It Means

It feels like we’re on track for an omnibus stadium bill.  No reason smaller markets won’t be trying to hop on the train as well with maintenance or upgrade requests for their local conventional centers.

·       Couple hundred million here, couple hundred million there pretty soon we’re talking about real money…


Tax revenue this fiscal year is off to a weak start.  July revenue was 7% lower than July 2023. And so far this month, receipts are down about 9%.


Education Next Session?

It’s hard to know how much education policy will be a part of next session. 

It could be that the usual trench warfare over educational policy pauses next session to digest last years’ huge SB 727. Or it could be that the upcoming session is seen as the most hospitable time to try to pass tough legislation.

The two most obvious avenues for school choice advocates to pursue are geographic expansion of charters schools, and eligibility and funding expansion of ESA (educational saving accounts).


Arguing for pushing ahead are several considerations.

·       Governor Mike Kehoe (assuming he wins in November) is a “reformer.” (Rex Sinquefield gave $2M to Kehoe’s American Dream PAC).

·       Speakers are generally at the heights of their powers to twist arms in their first year.

·       2026 will be another election year and the prospect of a Senate mired with Republican in-fighting is already a fear.


·       Be smart: This is a tough issue, and the legislature is undergoing a huge change this year.  There will be at least (presumably more after November’s elections) 50 new House members.  That’s a lot new votes to whip on an issue which doesn’t break neatly along partisan lines.

·       And, the emergence of ArmorVine as a conservative voice, often skeptical of education reformers, makes the issue even trickier.


About ArmorVine

ArmorVine is a relatively new player in Jefferson City.  They’ve been a consistent at voice at hearings, often taking conservative positions.  They’re plugged into the home-schooler community and have exerted influence over debate of education provisions.

·       But – their interests are much wider than just education.  They’ll be following many different issues.

·       Their main goal is to monitor legislation, dig into the details, and inform with their followers.


Term-Limits Matters in Senate Leadership Race

So far, Sens. Jason Bean and Tony Luetkemeyer have formally thrown their names in the hat for Senate Floor Leader next session. It’s said that Sen. Travis Fitzwater is also talking to folks and asking for support.

There’s no doubt that leadership skills and plans matter in this race.  Senators want to know how each person would deal with Democrats, as well as the Freedom Caucus, and how they would prioritize the caucus’ agenda. 

But as I’ve talked to Senate-side sources, I’ve heard repeatedly discussions about when each candidate is exiting the Senate as well.

·       Luetkemeyer is termed in 2026.  He would serve two years at Floor Leader and then leave.  That means instead of logical succession for Pro Tem, the top two leadership spot would be open in two years.  This could appeal to the Freedom Caucus.  They’re already thinking that 2026 holds opportunities to gain members and the prospect of a wide-open leadership race could make their bloc of votes more valuable.

·       Bean terms in 2028.  He’s been Assistant Floor Leader.  And he’d theoretically have two years at Floor and then two years at Pro Tem.  This offers continuity, and a steady hand.  It’s the most comfortable path for most folks.

·       Fitzwater terms in 2030.  In this scenario, he could do two years at Floor and then four years at Pro Tem.  It’s the Rowden track.  This offers less opportunity for advancement for others.  But, Fitzwater, viewed as deeply conservative and also an honest broker, would bring stability.


Baringer to Run for Comptroller

Post-Dispatch reports that Rep. Donna Baringer plans to run for St. Louis City Comptroller, challenging Darlene Green.  Green has been the city’s comptroller since 1995.

·       Baringer says her priorities will include “implementing modern IT methods, conducting more thorough audits, and ensuring greater financial input for the City’s future.  Transparency and accountability are essential for our City to move forward, stabilize our finances, and foster regional growth.”


Tucker Vouches for Schmitt

In a conversation about “normal” Republicans, Tucker Carlson says that Eric Schmitt is an “actual good person.” Carlson knows that “for a fact.”  (And he’s sure there are others!)


Lobbyists Registrations

Ron Berry deleted US Term Limits.


$5K+ Contributions

Missouri Voter Project - State PAC - $100,000 from Missouri Wins Investor Network.

Missourians for Constitutional Freedom (pro-choice IP) - $20,000 from Cynthia Metcalfe.

Missourians for Constitutional Freedom - $15,000 from Annette Cumming (Jackson, WY).

NEMO Leadership PAC (O’Laughlin) - $10,000 from PENN Entertainment Inc (Wyomissing, PA).

Bootheel Values PAC (pro-Burger) - $10,000 from Missouri Leadership Fund.



Happy birthdays to Kara Corches, Ted House, Annie Rice, and Glenn Burleigh.


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