MOScout Daily Update: Parson Ashcroft Feud - Suit Against Sports Betting IP - Eslinger’s DESE Agenda - Herzog Backlash? and more…

Quick Friday update…


Parson and Ashcroft Feud

Governor Mike Parson fired off an angry letter assailing Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft for punting on Parson’s effort to ban some cannabis products.  By not agreeing to the emergency rulemaking process of the governor’s executive order, Ashcroft is delaying implementation by months.

In the letter (see it here), Parson accuses Ashcroft of making the move as revenge against Parson helping Mike Kehoe in the gubernatorial primary.

“[D]enying the rulemaking is your attempt at retribution for my endorsement of another candidate. Safety of kids is not a political issue. I am disgusted that you are making it one.”

What It Means

Scott Charton, on twitter, nails it: Both @GovParsonMO and @JayAshcroftMO are lame ducks. But even lame ducks can quack.

·       We have a societal misconception about the importance of first impressions.  It’s actually a person’s final impressions which are long-lasting. 


Suit Against Sports Betting IP

Two Missourians sued to remove the sports betting question from the November ballot.  One of the plaintiffs is Blake Lawrence, former staffer to Jamilah Nasheed (when she was in the Senate).  Among the allegations in the suit are questions which were asked by The Missouri Mapper about which Congressional districts were used.

Read the suit here.

Plaintiffs allege… that Secretary Ashcroft’s method of calculating the number of signatures needed to place the Sports Wagering Petition on the ballot was incorrect in that it failed to use the vote in the current boundaries of the First Congressional District…

·       As much as handicapping politics has pitfalls, trying to forecast judicial proceedings really seems like a fool’s errand.  But, having written that, I always feel like the closer we get to the November ballot, the harder it is for courts to make substantial changes.


Team Kunce Reports Fundraising Spike

Press release: In just 52 days, Lt. Col. Lucas Kunce (USMCR) has already raised $4 million since the end of the last fundraising quarter, with 55% of donations coming from first-time donors. This puts Lucas Kunce on track to once again report a record-breaking fundraising haul…


Eslinger Eyes Literacy and Teacher Shortage

Springfield News Leader reports on DESE Commissioner Karla Eslinger’s agenda for the state’s schools.

·       "We have a true shortage not only in the pipeline and people coming into education but (also) in the number of applicants every time one of our principals and superintendents post a job," she said.

·       A major push to improve literacy skills and reading comprehension is part of the state's strategic plan. Eslinger said she will work to ensure all student can read on grade level… Eslinger said to have a true picture of student achievement, the state must measure growth and the amount of learning that is taking place each year, and not just if a student hits a benchmark or not.


GoFundMe for Arbuthnot Memorial Fund

There’s now an active GoFundMe, following the sudden death of Katy Arbuthnot, wife of Robert Arbuthnot.  Find it here.


Help Wanted

Public Service Commission seeks Legislative Liaison. The Legislative Liaison, the agency’s primary contact person with the General Assembly, is also assigned to this department and assists in responding to constituent inquires.

See the posting here.


eMailbag on Dome $$$

City of Stl received $750 million from Rams settlement.   They should use those funds for dome versus taxpayer subsidy


New Committees

Herzog-free SJSD was formed.  See the filing here. From what I can tell this is part of a backlash against the Herzog Foundation for supporting a school choice agenda.  See their Facebook page here.


Lobbyists Registrations

Ally Kaplan added Shenkman Capital Management, Inc.

Scott Swain deleted Dish Network LLC, and Quality Schools Coalition.


$5K+ Contributions

Missourians for Constitutional Freedom -$150,000 from Michelle Trulaske.

314 Forward (pro-Tishaura Jones) - $25,000 from Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council Missouri-Kansas Area PAC.

Missouri Voter Project - State PAC - $50,000 from Missouri Wins Investor Network.

PT-PAC of Missouri - $15,000 from Peak Investors LLC.



Happy birthday to Gordon Kinne.


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