MOScout Daily Update: Legislators Take Aim At Childcare Subsidy Mess - Mike and Dolly - New Laws Take Effect and more…

Legislators Takes Aim At Childcare Subsidy Mess

Senate Floor Leader Cindy O’Laughlin posted a note on Facebook about the continuing problems of childcare providers getting paid by the state on time.  This issue has been reported in the media for several months.  And it was hot topic at the State Board of Education meeting in June when officials blame the technology vendor, Worldwide Technology, saying the new data system was “not fully operational yet,” delaying provider reimbursement payments.

O’Laughlin’s post asks for Senate investigation… I think it is safe to say The Office of Childhood is a massive disaster. Without going into a million details it has to do with their new data system which does not work now, has never worked and seems to be something they may never get fixed... This is the Governor’s priority (availability of childcare) and instead of creating more childcare this office is running daycares out of business.

As a result of this incompetence I am asking President Caleb Rowden to appoint an interim committee to investigate the following:

1. Who is the technology vendor? They will be required to appear and explain this debacle.

2. Who is in charge at the Office of Childhood and what steps have been taken to resolve this? They will be required to appear.

3. Affected daycares will be asked to testify as to the breakdown in process and what this has done to their business.

4.  Parents and foster parents will be asked to testify as to the crisis this has created for them.

5. What is the solution and when will these daycares be paid?

This is unacceptable and I am not willing to let it continue.


The House has scheduled a hearing on the matter for Veto Session.  The House Budget committee Wednesday September 11 at 8:30AM will include a “discussion with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education on Child Care.”

Missey Will Leave With Parson

Yesterday I wrote about Darrell Missey, the head of the Childrens’ Division, stepping down later this fall. I’m told rather that he is planning to stay until the end of Mike Parson’s term, at which point he’ll retire.

Why It Matters

This will be another big (and tough) job for the next governor will fill as they move to build out the new administration.


Mike and Dolly

One reader suggested there should be a caption contest…

Read about Dolly Parton’s visits here.


New Laws Take Effect

Springfield News-Leader reports on the various laws which take effect today.  Some of the highlights…

·       No more eviction moratoriums: State law will now prohibit any municipality, county or other political subdivision from imposing an eviction moratorium unless it is specifically authorized by the state.

·       Senior tax credits: After counties expressed confusion and lack of clarity regarding the initial legislation that provided a "freeze" on real property taxes for seniors, this new law hashes out some of the details. It clarifies that seniors 62 years and older are eligible for the tax freeze. Previously, eligibility was based on Social Security benefits eligibility.

·       Funding Planned Parenthood: Medicaid funds are explicitly prohibited from going to abortion providers or affiliates, which by extension includes Planned Parenthood, in House Bill 2634… previously Medicaid had reimbursed Planned Parenthood for reproductive health services, like STI and cancer screenings, and contraceptives. Planned Parenthood has challenged the law via complaint to the state's Administrative Hearing Commission.

·       Education laws: Raise the minimum teacher pay to $40,000 a year… Expand access for Missouri's Empowerment Scholarship Accounts, which is a voucher tax credit program; Permit charter schools to open in Boone County; Provide incentives for districts in cities with 30,000 or more residents to operate on a five-day school week; Increase state funding for early childhood education…

·       Expanding the role of the state auditor: Through House Bill 2111, the role of the state auditor will be expanded to give them more authority to investigate governmental bodies that it previously did not have the authority to investigate.

·       Boosting entrepreneurship: A new Office of Entrepreneurship will be created to promote initiatives to grow new businesses in the state. The same law creates a "regulatory sandbox program," which suspends some state requirements and regulations so individuals can gain monitored access to the market to demonstrate an innovative product or service.


Conway Passes

Former state representative Kathie Conway passed away.  See her obituary here.

Kathie served as a Representative in the Missouri House of Representatives from St. Charles County, driven by her lifelong passion for politics. She cherished the many cruises and road trips she took with her late husband, Pat. She was an avid St. Louis Cardinal fan and was thrilled to attend game 7 of the 2011 World Series to cheer them on to a win. Kathie loved her Bouvier des Flanders dogs, especially Augie. She was extremely social and never met a stranger. Kathie was a devoted wife, mother, sister and aunt. Kathie was dearly loved and will be greatly missed by all who knew her.


Lobbyists Registrations

Joshua Klarich added Bristol Myers Squibb.          


$5K+ Contributions

Missouri Voter Project - State PAC - $150,000 from Missouri Wins Investor Network.

American Dream PAC - $20,000 from MOFSA PAC Inc.

House Democratic Campaign Committee - $25,000 from MO Drive Fund.            

Missouri Realtors PAC Inc - $10,000 from Joan Wagner.

Missouri Leadership Forum - $15,000 from Sellenriek Construction, Inc.

Missouri Leadership Forum - $15,000 from Warrenton Oil Company.

Missouri Leadership Forum - $15,000 from Witte Bros. Exchange, Inc.

Missouri Leadership Forum - $7,500 from Site System Landscaping, LLC.

Missouri Leadership Forum - $7,500 from Roden Landscaping, Inc.

Missouri SMART TD PAC - $20,000 from SMART TD PAC.



Happy birthdays to Shamed Dogan, John Diehl, and Percy Green II.


MOScout Daily Update: Revenues Weak - Veto Session Fundys - Smith for Terry - Coleman to STL? and more…


MOScout Daily Update: Trent for Asst Floor - Missey to Leave Childrens Division - Senate 11 in Play? SAPA Tossed - Arnzen to NAMIC and more…