MOScout Daily Update: $5M More Pro-Sports Betting $$$ - New Nurrenbern Ad - Plocher PAC and Legal Fees - Sara Walsh, Tracker and more…

Another $5M Into Sports Betting Campaign

DraftKings added $5 million to the sports betting campaign coffers yesterday. 

This comes days after Caesar Entertainment anted $4 million into the anti-sports betting campaign committee.

DraftKings initially deposited $3.5 million into the campaign in August.  Additionally BetFair Interactive has added $1.5 million, bringing their total (known) war-chest to $10+ million.

State of Play

Most of Missouri’s surrounding states have legalized sports betting.  And the recent Emerson College poll showed Missourians favorable to adding sports betting.

·       But don’t count out the opposition.  It’s always easier to create confusion or raise doubts and convince folks to keep the status quo with a negative vote than it is to persuade them to vote Yes.


Senate 17: New Nurrenbern Ad

Rep. Maggie Nurrenbern’s second ad puts the abortion question front and center.  It features a nurse practitioner attacking her Republican opponent as an “extremist” in the issue.  See the ad here.

Jerry Nolte has fought against abortion for decades, repeatedly voting to punish women and doctors and to slash access to birth control.  Extremists like Nolte are costing more than our freedom; they’re costing us doctors and nurses who are afraid to practice here.  Maggie Nurrenbern has been on the front lines fighting for our freedoms. The stakes have never been higher…


Plocher PAC Pays Legal Fees

Yesterday the Missouri Independent write about the pro-Dean Plocher PAC paying for his legal expenses in the lawsuit he faces from Dana MillerRead it here.

·       It’s a strange arrangement since Plocher doesn’t control the PAC, and can’t direct the expenditures of the PAC or coordinate with the PAC.


Interest Rate Cut Bad for Budget?

The Federal Reserve cut the fed funds rate yesterday, signaling support for lower interest rates.  It’s great news for consumers with mortgages, car loans and credit card debt.  And it might be bad news for Missouri’s budget as well.  Former budget director Jim Moody repeatedly pointed to high short-term rates and the state’s cash balances as an extra boost to state revenues during the past couple of years.

That cash reserve is dwindling and now rates are beginning to decline.  The state’s interest income will fall. 

·       The impact is likely in the tens of millions of dollars.


Sara Walsh, Tracker

Kunce-ite Caleb Cavarretta spots former Rep. Sara Walsh as Josh Hawley’s tracker in Mid-MO’s Morgan County.


Abortion Clinic Equipment

KFF reports on how the shifting hodge-podge of state abortion laws has sent abortion clinic equipment traveling from state to state. Soon after a series of state laws left a Planned Parenthood clinic in Columbia, Missouri, unable to provide abortions in 2018, it shipped some of its equipment to states where abortion remained accessible. Recovery chairs, surgical equipment, and lighting from the Missouri clinic — all expensive and perfectly good — could still be useful to other health centers run by the same affiliate, Planned Parenthood Great Plains, in its three other states. Much of it went to Oklahoma, where the organization was expanding, CEO Emily Wales said. When Oklahoma banned abortion a few years later, it was time for that equipment to move again. Some likely ended up in Kansas…


$5K+ Contributions

Winning for Missouri Education (pro-sports betting) - $5,000,000 from DK Crown Holdings, Inc (Boston, MA).

Liberty and Justice PAC (pro-Bailey) - $500,000 from Missouri Freedom PAC (Washinton, DC).

Missouri Right to Life PAC - $210,000 from D John Sauer.

Missouri Right to Life PAC - $20,000 from David Drury.

Missourians for Healthy Families & Fair Wages (pro-minimum wage IP)- $50,000 from Missouri and Kansas Laborers' PAC.

Missourians for Healthy Families & Fair Wages - $39,225 from Ballot Initiative Group of Missouri Inc.

Fearless PAC (pro-Pereles) - $35,000 from Access MO.

Real Action PAC (pro-Christ) - $10,000 from Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council Missouri-Kansas Area PAC.

Uniting Missouri PAC (pro-Parson) - $10,000 from CarShield.

MoCannTrade PAC - $25,000 from OXG LLC.

MoCannTrade PAC - $10,000 from EDKH LLC.

MoCannTrade PAC - $6,000 from Certified Alternative Medicine Providers LLC.

MoCannTrade PAC - $6,000 from Natures Health and Wellness LLC (Vermont, IL).

MoCannTrade PAC - $6,000 from GRC Moberly LLC.

MoCannTrade PAC - $6,000 from KCMO Management Group LLC.

MoCannTrade PAC - $6,000 from Heritage Missouri LLC.

MoCannTrade PAC - $6,000 from ARB Holdings LLC.

MoCannTrade PAC - $6,000 from Green Precision Analytics Inc.

Renew Action PAC - $9,437 from Ranger Power, LLC (Chicago, IL).

SEIU HCII Missouri PAC - $50,000 fromSEIU Healthcare IL IN (Chicago IL).



Happy birthdays to Rachel Bringer and Michael McGhee.


MOScout Daily Update: Willard to APIIC - Yes on A3 Ad - Emerson Poll Shows GOPers Leading, IPs Passing - New Pro-Cupps PAC and more…