MOScout Sunday6: MO's Shrinking Labor Force - Amazon to MO? - ALL CAPS Tweets - Halloween Candy Poll and more...

Missouri’s unemployment rate has dropped as people give up looking for work.  From last month’s job report, Missouri’s labor force drop has been dramatic.  This is not a good sign for our economy.

But it’s not just here, it’s a national problem.

Some good news though… Springfield News Leader says this hole in the ground is for Amazon.  They’re building a new distribution center in Republic MO.

Read more here“Apprenticeships reimagined” as an alternative to traditional education.

The future in three words: Protective Service Occupations?

Coattails Watch…

Because everything is becoming partisan, so now is the question of the Electoral College.

Trump is tweeting more in ALL CAPS.

John Hancock and Michael Kelley were nominated for an Emmy Award for best Interview Discussion Program. Winners will be announced on November 21.

One poll that nails it...

If ever there was a year when this made sense…


MOScout Daily Update: Misleading COVID Dashboard - New Schmitt Ad - New CCDF Admin - RGA Hits $14M Mark and more...


MOScout Weekender: New Ads - Senate 19 Tied! - Hallway Split on Floor Leader - WWTW - New MEC Opinions and more....