MOScout Sunday6: COVID, Economy, Energy, Budgets and more...

Anyone remember the Tea Party (est. 2008)?

Big rebound in GDP, but inside the numbers it’s clear that the service sector won’t come back until the virus is under control.

Per capita, more COVID deaths in rural Missouri.

Source: DHSS

Source: DHSS

Seniors hold the key to battleground states?

Boone County has seats in play, GOP House reps from around the state descended to help door-knock.

boonecounty allstars.jpg

But Boone County has crosswinds… here’s a yard with signs for both the Republican Commissioner and the Democratic presidential candidate.

boone county crosswinds.jpg

Missouri’s energy mix.

Source: NYTimes

Source: NYTimes

Someday this will change.

Don’t feel bad when your home project goes over budget…


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