MOScout Sunday6: 2022 Looks Good for GOP – Vaccine Chart – Sports Betting – Overdoses – Dangerous Jobs and more…
Big backlog of stuff today…
1. 2022 looks very good for Republicans. Very good…
Source: Gallup.
2. Most dangerous jobs. Interestingly not the ones I usually think of (firemen, police, etc).
Source: Statista.
3. There’s always a lag from vaccinations being approved to being accepted.
Source: New York Times.
4. Usually you issue debt when rates are low, and pay it off when they’re high. Usually.
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
5. Abortion rates, by state.
Source: New York Times.
6. We’re locking lots of people up.
Source: Scott Galloway.
7. Our drug overdose numbers are climbing.
Source: Washington Post.
8. Black men hit hardest.
Source: Pew Research.
9. We’re doing exceptionally worse on this issue.
Source: Washington Post.
10. State tax revenues surge, by state.
Source: Wall Street Journal
Civic Science looks at sports betting. Source for all these charts here.
11. It’s growing, but plenty of room to grow…
12. Younger people do more of it.
13. Mostly not big bets.
14. Psst… Behind all the 2A talk, guns are big business.
Source: 538.