MOScouty Sunday6: Midterm Turnout - Haunted Houses - Marijuana $$$ - Drought and more...

1. It’s Halloween so let’s start with haunted houses.  We’re at the higher end (haunted houses per capita), but not cracking the top ten.  Fenton Missouri has our highest ranked haunted house.

Source: Reddit.

2. Back to politics… the stats on midterm turnout.

Source: USA FACTS.

3. Some visuals challenge my thinking. I’d assumed this polarized political environment meant fewer Independents and more Republicans and Democrats.  But that’s not how people are self-identifying.

4. The forecast is for the drought to be with us for a while.

Source: Axios.

5. Public health crisis!

6. With legalization on the ballot, here’s a look at the average marijuana user’s monthly expenditures.

Source: Axios.

7. & 8. And finally, a few visuals about annoying co-workers.  Maybe you can relate?




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