MOScout Daily Update: HRCC $$$ to House Races - HDCC Defends Burton - Nonnemaker Heads to Alford Staff - Legal MO Buys $1.3M Ads and more...

8-Day Reports

A few nuggets from my first look at last night’s campaign finance filings…

Missouri Senate Campaign Committee (Republicans): As expected the bulk of their attention has been focused on Senate 24 where Sen. Jill Schupp is termed and Republicans think they have a shot at a pick-up.  Nearly $400K ($394,695) was ploughed into Senate 24.  Also $41,577 was directed to help Sen. Mike Cierpiot’s re-election.


House Democratic Campaign Committee: It looks like HDCC did two mailers for Rep. Michael Burton (House 92) to shore up his race.


Here’s the rundown of independent expenditures the House Republican Campaign Committee did.  It offers a view of where they see the real House fights emerging…

House 12 (Open seat, North KC/ Parkville) - $65,539

House 14 (Ashley Aune incumbent, Kansas City) - $54,977

House 15 (Maggie Nurrenbern incumbent, Kansas City) - $11,250

House 17 (Mark Ellebracht incumbent, Liberty) - $41,386

House 21 (Robert Sauls incumbent, Independence) - $39,128

House 29 (Open seat, Rowland to mayor, Independence) - $66,046

House 34 (Open seat, Roeber resigned, Lees Summit) - $33,78

House 47 (Open seat, Basye termed, Columbia) - $113,115

House 96 (Open seat, Gregory vacated, St. Louis County) - $53,896

House 98 (Open seat, Gunby running for Congress, St. Louis County) - $24,832

House 100 (Open seat, Grier district, St. Louis County) - $28,419

House 101 (Open seat, DeGroot district, St. Louis County) - $22,080

House 105 (Adam Schwadron, incumbent, St. Charles) - $55,559

House 106 (Open seat, Hannegan district, St. Charles) - $17,291

House 133 (Open seat, Trent to Senate, Springfield) - $19,776

House 135 (Betsy Fogle incumbent, Springfield) - $40,214

House 136 (Craig Fishel incumbent, Springfield) - $93,831


Auditor Numbers

Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick raised $102K; spent $3K; and has $264K on-hand.  His associated PAC, Missourians for a Responsible Budget, raised $21K; spent $4K; and has $85K on-hand.

Democrat Alan Green outspent Fitzpatrick during this period!  Green raised $2K; spent $16K and has $2K on-hand.


A3 Numbers

·       Legal Missouri 2022 (the pro-A3 committee) raised $1.3M; spent $1.4M and has $173K on-hand.  About $1.3M of their $1.4M spend went towards media buys.

·       Save Our State (the anti-A3 committee) has not filed an 8-Day Report yet.  Their October report for “limited activity,” meaning they hadn’t raised or spent over $500.



Jessica Piper, the Dems’ rural fundraising wunderkind, reported another $18K in contributions on her 8 Day Report.  I half expected to see a slew of checks going out of her committee to Dems all over the state, but that’s not the case.  She spent $73K: about $20K on mailers, bunch on advertising, and some staff payroll.  She still has $68K in the bank for the final, final push.

Piper is running in heavy red House 1 (the old Allen Andrews district) against Republican Jeff Farnan.


Nonnemaker’s New Job

Ryan Nonnemaker is leaving the building.  The chief of staff to Speaker-elect Dean Plocher will join the staff of soon-to-be Congressman Mark Alford.  He’ll be Alford’s District Director.  The 4th Congressional District covers both of Missouri’s military bases.


More on Childcare

On MOScouter working on childcare policy remarks on yesterday’s blurb about the issue getting some attention: If the state wants to be serious, they’re going to need to tackle child care worker pay. The state average is just over $11 an hour. It doesn’t matter what fancy programs are developed for businesses to provide care for workers if there are no workers because of the crappy pay. It’s time to start paying professional wages to those who take care of our children, especially our youngest.


Who Argues Before the Supremes

Jesus Osete gets mentioned in a Washington Post article about the lack of diversity in lawyers arguing before the Supreme Court.  Read it here.

Osete, general counsel to Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft, is Hispanic.


No Red Flags Laws Coming

Kurt Erickson writes in the Post-Dispatch that Republicans aren’t interested in adding “red flag” laws to Missouri’s statutes – even in the wake of the St. Louis school shooting.  Read it here.

Republicans who control state government say they see no need to enact public safety laws that might have taken away the gun used by a school shooter in St. Louis last Monday. From Gov. Mike Parson at the top of state government down to rank-and-file lawmakers in the House and Senate, red flag laws, also known as “extreme risk” laws, are a non-starter for the GOP, despite support for them in Congress and in other states…



On Independents: The polarization affects voter’s purported party affiliation, not their voting behaviors. It is human nature to not want to think of oneself as part of the problem. So when polled, voters say they identify as Independents. This is also why polling is increasingly unreliable and why micro-targeting and consumer data paints a much more useful picture of voters. In reality, studies show a small portion of reported “Independents” are so, the rest are staunch partisans.  The true Independent voter is almost entirely a myth.


Lobbyists Registrations

Paul Mouton added Missouri Railroad Association.


$5K+ Contributions

Majority Forward - $25,000 from Missouri Drive Fund.

House Democratic Campaign Committee - $25,000 from Plumbers & Pipefitters Local Union 178 PAC Fund.

Legal Missouri 2022 - $20,000 from Missouri Health & Wellness LLC.

BUILD St. Louis PAC, Inc. - $6,000 from J.H. Berra Construction Company.

SWMO Forward PAC - $5,001 from MO Realtors PAC.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $10,000 from Missouri Federation for Children PAC.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $71,000 from Ozark Gateway Leadership PAC.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $10,000 from Haffner for Missouri.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $7,500 from Friends of Jeff Knight.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $15,000 from Friends of Eric Burlison.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $15,000 from Enterprise Holdings Inc PAC.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $5,010 from Committee to Elect Jamie Burger.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $25,000 from Centene Management Company LLC.

1776 PAC - $6,500 from Paladin PAC.

MoCannTrade PAC - $10,000 from Josh Mitchem.

House Democratic Campaign Committee - $20,000 from Citizens for Crystal Quade.

House Democratic Campaign Committee - $10,000 from Emily Weber for Missouri,

Together KC - $10,000 from Visit KC.


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