MOScout Sunday6: Hawley and Bush Security Costs Compared - Higher Prices for Ag Inputs - Polarization - Uber Ratings and more...

1. Josh Hawley and Cori Bush security expenses.

Source: Axios.

2. Ag input prices skyrocket.

3. Each base moving more toward confrontation, away from compromise.

Source: Pew Research.

4. Polarization gets personal.

5. Labor participation rates by gender and age of children.

6. I’m so used to be the 9% in any given poll…

Source: Gallup.

7. St. Louis and Kansas City Uber riders get high ratings.

8. Butter, the magical ingredient.

Source: Reddit.


MOScout Daily Update: Kehoe Gets FOP for 2024 - Steve West Again... - Reaction to Danforth Plan and more...


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