MOScout Sunday6: Teaching Money - MO Forest - Jailed By Race - Workers Returning? and more...

1. GOP rhetoric is full of “fighting.”

Source: Axios.

2. Incarceration rates, by race.

Source: Prison Policy.

3. Requiring personal finance course, by state.

4. How much house $400K can buy.

Source: Point2.

5-6. Hints that worker shortage may start to ease.

Source: CNBC.

7. 35% of Missouri is covered in forest.

Source: USAFacts.


MOScout Daily Update: Hartzler Gets Soybean Nod - Wasson Polling Memo - Limestoners for Kehoe - Senate Civil War and more...


MOScout Weekender: Senate 2 Poll - Hallway Like Gregory, Riley - MOIndy on Post-Roe MO - WWTW and more...