MOScout Sunday6: Gas Stations - Chicken Prices - Anti-Incumbents - Straw Poll and more...

1. Fewer gas stations.

Source: Axios.

2. Giving inflation the bird.

3. Last time states governorship flipped.

Source: Reddit.

4. Tough year for incumbents?

Source: Gallup.

5. Young women more liberal than young men.

Source: Daniel Cox.

6. Signal or Noise? Republican Women of Jasper County Straw Poll may not be a perfect sample.  McCloskey even with Greitens, Fitz demolishing Gregory, Carter edging out White, Bryant near the top of CD-7…


MOScout Daily Update: Team Schmitt Buoyed By Polls - July Quarter Spreadsheet - Houx for Senate 31? - Burton Files Limited Activity and more...


MOScout Weekender: Brown Spent $0 Last Quarter - Lager Hearts Fitz - First Look at July Quarters - Hallway Imagines 2023 Conservative Caucus - WWTW and more...