MOScout Daily Update: Trump Can't Decide - Who MOScouters Pick to Win - Tonight's Scorecard - White Tosses in $40K and more...

Trump Shrugs

In a bewildering turn of events, Donald Trump – after touting a forthcoming endorsement in the US Senate race – was unable to pull the trigger, and ended up vaguely endorsing “ERIC” without specifying which one.

And so my in-box (and maybe yours too?) ended up looking like this, with both candidates claiming the endorsement.


·       One observer texted me: As a Missourian, watching two grown men so willing crawl to the scraps tossed to them by this guy is the most disturbing part. Neither of them is tough, principled, or dignified. This is the absolute perfect end to this election…

·       Politico has an insider view of the “anarchical nature of Trump’s endorsement process.”  Read it hereAs the meeting wore on, those familiar with what transpired say, Trump began to lose patience. At one point it was suggested that he could endorse “Eric,” and that by doing so he would be supporting both Schmitt and Greitens.  It was a madcap exit ramp. But Trump went in on the details, asking if the two candidates’ first names were spelled identically…


The Other Endorsement

Meanwhile over on the Democratic side, Bernie Sanders came in late with an endorsement of Lucas Kunce.


MOScout’s Readers Pick’em Contest

24 entries into the “Pick’em” Contest. Here’s how these MOScouters’ picks broke down…

Senate 2 – Schroer 66% / Wiemann 33%

Senate 10 – Carter 71% / Fitzwater  29% / Porter 0% / Spencer 0%

Senate 12 – Black 96% / Eggleston 4%

Senate 16 – Brown 96% / Pollock  4%

Senate 20 – Gelner 8% / Trent  91%

Senate 22 – Coleman 50% / Roden 0% / Roorda  33% / Shaul  16%

Senate 26 – Brown 25% / Jones  45% / Tate 29%

Senate 32 – Carter 29% / White  71%

US Senate: Greitens 16% / Hartzler 12%  / Long  0% / McCloskey 0% / Schatz  0% / Schmitt  71%


Tonight’s Scorecard

Conservative Caucus’ 100 PAC supported…

·       Nick Schroer via 1776 PAC - $25,000

·       Mary Elizabeth Coleman via Conservative Solutions PAC – $70,000

·       Ben Brown via BB Freedom PAC - $180,000


Freedom Foundation PAC (their candidates will very possibly join Conservative Caucus if they win) supported…

·       Scott Riedel (running against Mike Bernskoetter)

·       Joe Nicola (running against Mike Cierpiot)

·       Suzie Pollock (running against Justin Brown)

·       Angela Romine (running against Lincoln Hough)

·       Jill Carter (running against Bill White)


Carpenters PAC supported…

·       John Wiemann via JW Leadership PAC - $150,000

·       Jeff Roorda via Jeff PAC – $150,000

·       Nate Tate via Missouri Conservative Alliance - $100,000


Missouri Chamber Political Institute…

·       Incumbent state senators

·       Rusty Black

·       Bob Jones

·       Dan Shaul

·       Rep. Randy Railsback (House 2)


Americans for Prosperity…

·       Eric Schmitt

·       J Eggleston

·       Mary Elizabeth Coleman

·       Curtis Trent

·       Darin Chappell (House 137)

·       Tony Lovasco (House 64)


Missouri Right to Life supported…

·       Nick Schroer

·       Delus Johnson

·       Bryan Spencer

·       Mary Elizabeth Coleman

·       Curtis Trent

·       Angela Romine

·       Jill Carter


Final Data Points

·       Sen. Bill White throwing in an extra $40K of personal money on the final day of the campaign is an indication of a very tight race down there in Joplin. 

·       One consultant: The whole downtown [St. Louis] post office flooding really affected many campaigns. I have gotten 4 pieces of mail from the same campaign all on Saturday. There have been campaigns that got their mail last Monday morning to the post office before the flooding and the pieces were still not in mailboxes as of this Monday morning. Political mail is supposed to be expedited in 2-3 days. This has been affecting mail from St. Louis City, St. Louis County, Jefferson County, and St. Charles County.


Lobbyist Registrations

Geoffrey Culm, Jill Forsyth, and Scott Smilie added Banc of America Public Capital Corp.

Deanna Hemphill added Foundation Consumer Healthcare.


$5K+ Contributions

RightPath PAC - $22,175 from Missouri Federation for Children.

Jackson County Leadership PAC (pro-Cierpiot) - $10,000 from Charter Communications.

Elect Bill White - $40,000 from William White.

Mike Tsichlis for Missouri - $12,000 from Mike Tsichlis.



Happy birthdays to Dawn Nicklas, Mike Talboy, Kimberly Gardner, Zac Sweets, Tom Todd,

Jim Viebrock, and Starsky Wilson.



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MOScout Daily Update: Paths to Victory for US Senate Candidates - MOScout Pick'em Contest - Rowden PAC $$$ - Plan B Fight Brewing? and more...