MOScout Sunday 6: Housing Prices - Sports Betting - Refugees - Teacher Pay and more...

1. Teacher pay hasn’t been keeping up.

2. Betting on sports occurs across all demographics.

Source: Pew Research.

3. “Urban wage premiums for non-college-educated workers disappeared in the mid 2000s as higher rents in big cities ate up higher wages. Today, workers without a college degree face a substantial real wage penalty for moving to a large city, though college grads still get a premium.”

4. Comparing wealth of single men and single women.

5. Missouri took in 12,000 refugees in the last ten years.

Source: USAFacts.

6. Shifting to a buyers’ market… Houses finally starting to sell under list price again.

Source: Redfin.

7. Percentage of Americans without family within an hour, by different demographics. Midwesterners near the bottom.


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