MOScout Daily Update: Life Expectancy - Fentanyl Deaths - ER Visits and more...

1. Life expectancy varies widely across America – and even within states like Missouri.

Source: Jeremy Ney.

2. Fentanyl deaths soar…

3. MO ER visits = about 3.5 hours.

Source: Axios.

4. Investors have been buying houses in cities…

Source: NYTimes.

5. After two decades of relative labor peace, workers are organizing again.

6. Describe American politics with one word…

Source: Pew Research.

7. $10 billion cycle ahead?!

Source: AdImpact.


MOScout Daily Update: What The Federal Shutdown Means for Missouri Politics - Voss for Senate? - Haffner Announcement Coming and more...


MOScout Daily Update: Fireside-Gate - Poll on Economy - Hallway on Sports Betting - WWTW and more...