MOScout Sunday6: Immigration - Work from Home - Federal Lands - The American Dream and more…
1. Tracking the decline in local news outlets, this map indicates that Ralls, Carter and New Madrid Counties have no local news sources now.
Source: Northwestern University.
2. How much land is federally owned, by state.
Source: Apollo.
3. Immigrants don’t “cost us.” They contribute to economic activity, and boost growth.
Source: Congressional Budget Office.
4. Most information technologies firms in the state are located in the cities.
5. Looks like the new normal is about a quarter of all work now happening at home.
Source: Reuters.
6. Trying to estimate the cost of the living the “American Dream” over a lifetime. For what it’s worth my definition of the “The American Dream” is giving your kids a little bit better life than you had.
Source: Visual Capitalist.