MOScout Sunday6: Gov Asst Map - Electoral College - Fed GDP Forecasts - Teachers Pay and more…
1. A lot of Missouri relies on government assistance.
Source: Wall Street Journal.
2. Same map with partisan voting patterns overlaid.
Source: Wall Street Journal.
3. Missouri hasn’t opt-ed in to the IRS’ free filing service. “The IRS is expanding eligibility for the government’s free tax filing software, Direct File, by doubling the number of participating states.”
Source: Washington Post.
4. Dems want to abolish Electoral College. That makes sense. Dems have won the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 presidential elections.
Source: Gallup.
5. Teachers are happy, but want more $$$.
Source: Pew Research.
6-7. Dueling Fed forecasts, but no recession. STL Fed sees 1.7% growth ahead. Atlanta Fed pegs it at 2.5%.
Source: St. Louis Fed.
Source: Atlanta Fed.