MOScout Daily Update: New Ads from Malek, Eigel - MOScout House Predictions - Henderson to MHCA and more…

Malek PAC Tells Immigration Story

Treasurer Vivek Malek’s PAC released a commercial detailing his personal story of immigration in contrast to illegal immigrants.  It seems an effort to limit collateral damage to Malek’s campaign that could be caused by most Republicans running ads about securing the border, supporting the Wall, and rounding up folks they think don’t look like citizens.


Inflammatory Eigel Ad

Meanwhile Sen. Bill Eigel stirred the pot yesterday as he released a new inflammatory ad, playing on stereotypes.

Bill: I'm Bill Eigel. I'm running for governor to crack down on illegal immigration.

Translator (English): He's Bill Eigel. He will crack down on illegal immigration.

Bill: No more taxpayer handouts for illegals--period. Nada. Zilch. Zero.

Translator (English): No more illegals. No more money. The party is over.

Bill: We're throwing them in jail, and sending them back where they came from.

Translator: Ay caramba.

Bill: It's time to take Missouri back.


I wonder if the talk of “rounding people up” and ads like this might be too much for some of his financial backers.  Rep. Ian Mackey ties the ad back to the trial attorneys who have written big checks to the Eigel campaign.


MOScout Schedule

I’ve updated the 2024 Watch spreadsheet to make my House primary predictions.  I try largely to stick with consensus opinions.  I do have Rep. Michael Davis being upset by Ryan Johnson in House 56. Johnson has a big money lead and knows how to run a campaign.  And I also have Sen. Angela Mosley’s daughters losing their bids for House on the Democratic side which I’d categorize as upsets if it happens because Elbert Walton’s machine has been quite successful over the past decade.

·       Tomorrow I’ll add my Senate primary predictions.

·       And Friday, my statewide primary predictions.


This Saturday the MOScout poll will be Republican statewide races.  Next week, I’ll have extra polls on specific state senate primaries.


Money Watch

We’re thirteen days away from the primary election, and yet there are still huge checks being cut.  Some of the of the big checks coming in late will be fulfillments of earlier pledges that the campaign had already budgeted for.  But some of these, remarkably, might be crudely described as “panic checks.”  It’s a tight race and donors are convinced that one last round of ammo could be the difference.

Three 6-figure checks in today’s listing…

·       American Dream PAC (pro-Kehoe) - $250,000 from Herzog Railroad Services, Inc.

·       Club for Growth Action - Missouri Federal Committee (pro-Scharf) - $250,000 from Michael Scharf.

·       Lincoln PAC (pro-Hough) - $125,000 from SNK Real Property Holdings LLC.

And I’d bet dollars to donuts we’ll still see more in the coming week.


Henderson to MHCA

Press release: The Missouri Health Care Association (MHCA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Meghan Travis Henderson as its new Executive Director. Meghan is an accomplished lawyer with extensive experience in health care advocacy and leadership. She brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to MHCA.

Meghan was previously the Vice President of Legislative Policy and Associate General Counsel with the Missouri Hospital Association. Before that, she was a Legislative Analyst with the Missouri House of Representatives focused on health care policy. Her political and policy experience, coupled with her previous position in the health care sector navigating complex health care regulations, demonstrate a strong commitment to improving health care standards and policies for the long-term care sector and uniquely position her to lead MHCA in its mission to enhance the quality of care in Missouri’s long-term care facilities.


Lobbyists Registrations

Meghan Travis Henderson added Missouri Health Care Association.


$5K+ Contributions

American Dream PAC (pro-Kehoe) - $250,000 from Herzog Railroad Services, Inc.

American Dream PAC - $30,085 from DDI Media.

American Dream PAC - $25,000 from Matt Mills.

American Dream PAC - $10,000 from Das Nobel (Frisco, TX).

BILL PAC (pro-Eigel) - $10,000 from Simmons Hanly Conroy.

BILL PAC - $10,000 from The Simon Law Firm.

BILL PAC - $10,000 from Richard Pogue.

Club for Growth Action - Missouri Federal Committee (pro-Scharf) - $250,000 from Michael Scharf.

Liberty and Justice PAC (pro-Bailey) - $10,000 from 36 Political Fund.

Lincoln PAC (pro-Hough) - $125,000 from SNK Real Property Holdings LLC.

The Wonderdog PAC (pro-Kurtis Gregory) - $6,000 from Fletcher Grain Company.

Independence PAC (pro-McMullen) - $5,200 from SNK Real Property Holdings LLC.

Missourians for Constitutional Freedom (pro-choice IP) - $150,000 from Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri.

Missouri Alliance PAC (pro-Patterson) - $20,000 from MO Law Enforcement PAC.

Missouri Alliance PAC - $15,000 from Penn Entertainment Inc.

Missouri Alliance PAC - $10,000 from Jefferson City Medical Group.

Catalyst PAC - $30,000 from Mark Monheiser.

Ameren Missouri Political Action Committee - $9,055 from Ameren FEDPAC.

MO Pork-PAC - $50,000 from Smithfield Foods.

A Better Missouri Political Action Committee - $30,000 from Anheuser-Busch Cos.



Happy birthdays to Claire McCaskill, Betsy Ledgerwood, Jean Evans, Jim Lembke, Wes Rogers, and Kevin Threlkeld.


MOScout Daily Update: Stand For Us PAC’s Big TV Buy - MOScout State Senate Predictions and more…


MOScout Daily Update: Talk on GOP Gov Race - Will Harris Help MO Dems? - Ads from Eigel, Malek and Corley - Bailey Talks to Trump and more…