MOScout Sunday6: Corporate Tax Rate - WFH Impact - Cumulative Olympic Medal Count and more…

1. More Americans planning a childless future.

Source: Pew Research.

2. One good result of COVID, more remote work has meant more disabled in the workforce.

3-4. US corporate tax rate doesn’t look high by various measurements.

US corporate tax rate versus peers.

Corporate tax receipts as percentage of GDP.

5. Missouri ranks poorly on “happiest states” index.

6. USA! USA!

Source: Statista.


MOScout Daily Update: Senate 13 Poll - Hot Primaries Heat Up - Schwadron, Coleman Sit on Cash - Trump Non-Endorsement - Hamra Adds $$$ and more…


MOScout Weekender: Kehoe-Ashcroft Tied - Many Voters Still Undecided Across All Races - Hallway Predicts Next Gov and more…