MOScout Daily Update: Primary Day is Here… Rehder, Wasinger Get Trump Nod - Election Night Scorecard - Pickers’ Picks and more…

Polls open at 6AM.  Have a fun Election Day.  Let me know what you’re seeing/hearing around the state (, 314-255-5210).  Good luck everyone!


LG: Rehder, Wasinger Share Late Trump Endorsement

Holly Rehder and Dave Wasinger were the latest recipients of Donald Trump’s dual Complete and Total Endorsement.

What It Means

It definitely doesn’t hurt in the Republican primary, but it seems awfully late to matter much.  Maybe they get a little last-minute pop?  Both immediately touted the endorsement on social media, but it’s too late to really push through the various channels, for example adding to signs, billboards and commercials as others have this cycle.


Scorecard for Tonight’s Results

Here’s one way to see who the big winners and losers are tonight.  I’ve compiled this “scorecard” of endorsements and money support.  Download it here and feel free to share.


Missing from the above scorecard is trial attorneys.  They’re a loose affiliation of individuals.  Though recently they’ve tended to support the Conservative/Freedom Caucus as the key to blocking tort reform in the Senate, they don’t always back the same candidates.

Associated Industries of Missouri published this look at where trial attorney money has gone in the Republican gubernatorial race.  After early money went to Jay Ashcroft, they’ve mostly been behind Bill Eigel contributing $1.6 million to his PAC in the last two years.

Pickers’ Picks

Aggregating the 39 MOScout readers who entered the Pick’em contest, here’s their collective picks for today…

·       GOP Governor – Mike Kehoe (35-14 over Ashcroft, no Eigel picks).

·       Dem Gov – Mike Hamra (21-18, pretty evenly split with Quade).

·       LG – Lincoln Hough (with 11 for Rehder and 6 for Wasinger).

·       SOS – Denny Hoskins and Shane Schoeller tied at 14 (with votes for Mary Elizabeth Coleman, Jamie Corley, Dean Plocher).

·       Treasurer – Vivek Malek by a wide margin.

·       AG – Overwhelmingly Andrew Bailey.


eMailbag: GOPPer for Ranked Choice

[This election shows] why we should have ranked choice voting.  Except for AG, all of the statewide primary victors will win despite well more than half of voters voting against them.  Eric Greitens won his primary despite 65% of Republican voters not wanting him.  Nutty Sandra McDowell won an SOS primary with less than 1/3 of the vote because the male candidate vote was a 3-way split.  Crazy jungle primaries that some states are trying are bad, but plain ranked choice voting would produce a better reflection of the will of the people.


Lobbyists Registrations

Andy Arnold added Steady Platform Inc.


$5K+ Contributions

Crystal PAC (pro-Quade) - $10,000 from Volunteer Political Fund.

Crystal PAC - $7,500 from Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 178.

American Dream PAC (pro-Kehoe) - $7,500 from Atha Brothers LLC.

Liberty and Justice PAC (pro-Bailey) - $15,000 from Menlo Smith.

Liberty and Justice PAC - $5,650 from Lynn Thompson.

Missouri United (pro-Plocher) - $22,500 from Robert Brinkmann.

St. Louis County Democratic Central Committee - $27,400 from Doug PAC.

MBA Pony Express Region PAC - $7,600 from Nodaway Valley Bank.



Happy birthday to Mark Milton, Bob Nance, Jack Bondon, and Bryan Stevenson.


MOScout Daily Update: GOPers Win Without Majorities - Freedom Caucus Does Well - Kehoe and Quade Win and more…


MOScout Daily Update: Polls Open in 24 Hours - Keathley Sues Brunner - Pick’em Contest - O’Laughlin for House? and more…