MOScout Sunday6: Trump Tax Cuts - Beer Tax - Retire in Missouri? and more…

1. Beer Tax, by state.

2. Should business speak out on issues? By party, and issue.

Source: Gallup.

3. Dems spending more on the socials.

Source: FWIW.

4. Impact of Trump tax expiration, by county.

5. Sports betting impact on investing. “By two to three years after betting becomes legal, there is a noticeable drop in net investment relative to states where betting is not yet legal. This result suggests that it takes a sustained period of betting before households adjust their investments…”

6. Missouri better than Florida for retirement?


MOScout Daily Update: Henderson Hangs a Shingle - Nurrenbern TV Ad - MO’s GOP Tilt - A3 Fundraising Over $16M - Veto $$$ Schedule and more…


MOScout Weekender: Statewide Poll - Hallway Optimistic - Pro-Choice IP in Limbo - WWTW and more…